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THANK YOU to our AMAZING Friend Raiser Sponsors



"Find Your Spark"

2020 FriendRaiser
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Friends of the Children - Klamath Basin is excited to celebrate 20 years of making a difference in local children's lives! Please join us for our 17th annual Friend Raiserpresented virtually!


YouTube Live Stream Event - CLICK HERE

Live Stream Pre-Show: 6:30-7:00 pm

Program & Live Auction: 7:00-7:45 pm


CLICK HERE To Register for Online Bidding

(Need help? This instructional video will walk you through how to register to bid.)


RSVP to receive the latest event notifcations and live streaming info: https://mailchi.mp/friendsklamath.org/friendraiser

   This annual signature fundraising event in an inspiring way to experience our program, meet our staff and children, and support our mission. This year will be especially spectacular as we virtually come together to celebrate 20 years of working with children in our community. 


Questions? Call Johanna at the Friends of the Children 541.892.6561 (cell)

or email kbfriendraiser@gmail.com.


Thank you for your generous support!!!

Please note that any photos/videos supplied by you, or interactions as part of this virtual event, could be used in future promotional materials and streamed on YouTube. By your participation, you acknowledge that the resulting images may be used for publicity of Friends of the Children (the Klamath Basin chapter or any of our other chapters or National office). Further, by your virtual presence in this event, you grant permission for your likeness to be used in that publicity without compensation.

Friends of the Children – Klamath Basin is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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